Mission House

Photograph taken in the 1950's of the Mission House
The house stands on both wetland and primary dry thicket, which contains a dense growth of epiphytes (air plants), five species of bromeliads and "Spanish Moss". The pond attracts a variety of birds, waterfowl and hickatees (freshwater turtles).
The Mission House - a National Trust historic site and visitor’s information centre
The Mission House historic site includes a traditional Caymanian two story home situated on an area of dry and wetland frequented by a variety of local wildlife. This site is known to have been utilised by early settlers for its abundant waterfowl and supply of water in the 1700 as is evidenced in oral history accounts and some of the shards of glass and ceramics found on site and displayed for your interest.
This site rose to prominence in the 1800’s and became known as the “Mission House” to early missionaries, teachers and families who lived and contributed to establishing the Presbyterian ministry and school in Bodden Town. The Mission House takes you back to an earlier time in Cayman’s history by recreating the living situations of the three families know to have owned the home. As your guide leads you through the Living, Dining, Bath and Bedroom you will see many of the genuine artefacts known to be owned by Watler family who lived there for 77 years. A real sense of family is evident in the home as well as many opportunities to understand the challenges faced by the early missionaries and teachers in Cayman like the Reverend & Mrs. Redpath and Mr. and Mrs. Lyon. The Mission House also houses a small resource room organized by the C.I. National Archive as well as a display from the C.I. National Museum.
The onsite retail store provides an opportunity to purchase children’s toys and refreshments, as well as locally made craft pieces.
The Mission House is located at # 63 Gun Square in Bodden Town, Grand Cayman.
Guided tours of the Mission House historic site are available Monday to Friday by appointment only. Entry is CI$8 (adults) and CI$4 (children) for groups of 6 or more.
If you require an urgent response, please call 749-1121 or email: info@nationaltrust.org.ky
Last Updated: 13 Oct 2014