​Partnership Opportunities

Event and Programme Sponsorship
Click HERE to request a Corporate Partnership Opportunities brochure.
We look forward to hearing from you as to which opportunities you would like to explore with the National Trust this year!
Land Reserve Fund
Click HERE for more information
We invite you to become a Friend or Benefactor of the Land Reserve Fund by making a minimum donation of CI $2,500.
The National Trust for the Cayman Islands is the only local organisation committed to the stewardship of undeveloped land, by establishing a system of protected areas in the Cayman Islands. Without these areas, the ecosystems and the species contained therein would be lost forever. Without people like you caring about preserving our biodiversity and native habitats, we would not be able to continue this preservation. The Trust now owns a little more than 5% of all the land in the Cayman Islands. With your help we hope to reach our goal of 10% by 2020.

Blue Iguana Recovery Programme
The Blue Iguana Recovery Programme started in 1990 using 30 individuals from the wild population and others donated by zoos. Relying on support from sponsors, programme partners and many dedicated volunteers, the long term goal is to restore a wild population of about 1,000 animals, sufficient for the Blues to remain viable in the long term. In practical terms that means protecting habitat for the iguanas, alleviating unnatural pressures and threats, and then doing everything possible to encourage a rapid recovery in numbers. Today due to the conservation efforts of the Blue Iguana Recovery Programme, the wild population is approximately 850 individuals.
Annual sponsorship cover the actual cost of care, whether this be cage maintenance and feeding in captivity, or field monitoring in the wild. Any Blue Iguana can only have one sponsor at a time. Visits to see your sponsored iguana can be arranged, depending on whether your iguana is still captive, or is lucky to be released into a protected habitat. Sponsorships are renewable for as long as the iguana lives.
Naming an Iguana
Naming is for life – once named, a Blue Iguana carries that name permanently, and the name will be used in our databases and in the International Studbook for the species. Naming is a significant privilege, and carries a one-off, $1,000 price tag – which goes to help the operation of the Blue Iguana Recovery Programme.
Both sponsorship and naming involve frame-ready
certificates and a photograph of the iguana, but the real reward is knowing that you have forged a personal connection in helping to save one of the world’s most endangered iguanas!
For more information on sponsorship opportunities email sponsorships@nationaltrust.org.ky or call 749-1121.

Adopt Nature Programme
Honour someone with a gift as unique as they are! Adopt a part of the Cayman Islands in the name of a loved one and help the National Trust protect the unique biodiversity of the Cayman Islands.
Download information sheet here
Adopt Nature Online Application Form

Nasaria Budal
Marketing Manager
558 South Church Street
PO Box 31116
Grand Cayman KY1-1205
Cayman Islands