Governor Michael Gore Bird Sanctuary

Michael J. Gore, CVO, CBE, FRPS, served as Governor of the Cayman Islands from September, 1992, until September, 1995. Throughout that time, his commitment to the conservation of the most important areas of natural habitat on these islands was well known, as was his reputation as an enthusiastic and expert wildlife photographer.
Governor Gore's support for the National Trust for the Cayman Islands was demonstrated by his role as its first patron. He also established the "Governor's Fund for Nature" which complemented the Trust's own Land Reserves Fund and facilitated the purchase of important parcels of land to be held under the National Trust for the Cayman Islands Law, 1987. The Governor's Fund was active until the end of Governor Gore's tenure, by which time it had attracted over US $0.25 million to help preserve habitats for Cayman's native flora and fauna.
One of these areas was named in his honour–The Governor Michael Gore Bird Sanctuary. Situated in the Spotts Newlands area of Grand Cayman, it is more often known locally as the "Governor's Pond". Although relatively small, just 2.25 acres, the site is representative of a fast vanishing habitat in this rapidly developing area of the island.
It was members of the Cayman Islands Bird Club who first became aware of the astonishing variety of bird life that visited the Pond. Over 60 species (a quarter of all the bird species native to the Cayman Islands) have been observed here at one time or another!
The Pond's popularity with the birds is seasonal, with greatest activity during the dry season when this may be the only substantial body of fresh water for some distance. The area around the Sanctuary was a seasonally flooded grassland maintained for grazing, with fresh water ponds scattered throughout. Residential development led to the filling of many of the wet and flooded areas, causing the waterbird population of a previously wide range to gather at the Governor's Pond. The Pond retains water throughout most of the year, although it has been known to dry out occasionally, at the end of a particularly severe dry season. Some of the many different types of birds that can often be seen at the Pond are Moorhens, Herons and Egrets, Grebes, Ducks, Rails, Plovers, Sandpipers, Terns, Pigeons and Doves, Kingfishers, Woodpeckers, Kingbirds and Flycatchers, Vireos, Warblers and Grassquits. It is also quite possible that a few of the rarer species, like the diminutive Least Bittern, or the beautiful Purple Gallinule will be around. And it is not just birds that abound. Butterflies congregate in this area, and the native freshwater turtle, the Hickaee, has often been spotted among the reeds. The endemic freshwater fish Gambusia xanthosoma is also found beneath the pond's surface.
The support of Government and local residents for the establishment of the Governor Michael Gore Bird Sanctuary set an important precedent for future conservation efforts in the Cayman Islands. Devastating Hurricane Ivan of September 2004 totally destroyed the site, not only demolishing the blind but raining debris into the pond and path and killing a majority of the trees fringing the pond. Funds for rebuilding the site were appropriated from both Government and the private sector. The Department of Tourism, BNP-Paribas Private Bank, a grant from the US Fish and Wildlife Services Migratory Bird Conservation Act, Mrs. Patricia Bradley and the family of the late Mr. Arthur Biggs all contributed to the project.
Another blind was built with a new boardlwalk leading to it. A fence was placed around a new parking area. An interpretive sign was added to aid the casual visitor. A few choice native plants were added. Finally the debris was hauled out by an industrious volunteer team composed of Trust General Manager Frank Roulstone, Trust Council member Darvin Ebanks, and Field Officer Paul Watler. More recently a team of Sunrise Rotarians led by Desmond Ebanks pulled the last of the debris, an extensive amount of pressure treated lumber, from the pond itself.
The interpretive sign is situated at the start of the boardwalk, which leads to the blind. Please do not disturb the birds in any way, and refrain from releasing domestic ducks or aquarium fish etc. into the pond as the Trust manages the site for Cayman's own native wildlife. Please remember to keep the gate closed in order to prevent the entry of neighborhood dogs.
Directions: From George Town, follow Crewe Road on to the main coast road going east (Shamrock Road). About 3 miles out of town just past Spotts Landing , turn left into Spotts Newlands Road. Take the first right (Pennsylvania Avenue) and the Pond is signposted about 100 yards up the lane on the left.
Last Updated: 26 Apr 2012