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Contributions to Government

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Historic Plaque Programme


Government Departments/Services which benefit:
Department of Tourism, Education Department, Ministry of Culture


Our Historic Plaque Programme recognises buildings of historic interest with permanent cast metal plaques. Currently, the plaque programme identifies buildings in Central George Town, but we are in the process of extending the programme to other districts as well. We are also in the process of adding informational plaques to the buildings in George Town with plaques at: Elmslie Memorial Church, the Post Office, the Town Hall, the Library, the Courts Building (Museum).


Historic Buildings and Sites Inventory (HBSI)

Government Departments/Services which benefit:
Planning Department, The National Archive, Lands and Survey Department, Ministry of Culture


The HBSI is an extensive repository of Cayman's built heritage that identifies, documents, and lists historic structures in all three of the Cayman Islands. The HBSI can include structures, objects, neighbourhoods, districts, and sites and currently consists of approximately 380 listings. Steps are currently being taken to incorporate the database with a mapping programme called Arcview, which is compatible with government's Geographic Information Systems software.


Historic Preservation Awards(HPA)

Government Departments/Services which benefit:
Department of Tourism, Education Department, Ministry of Culture, The National Archive, Department of Planning


The HPA identifies local structures that have been well-preserved and/or restored, and modern structures built using principles of historic design. The programme is sponsored by the Bank of Bermuda and culminates in an Awards Ceremony held at Pedro St. James. To date, 18 structures, both modern and historic, have been awarded as the programme continues to gain momentum. Approximately 150 people attended the last Awards Ceremony. We now receive numerous inquiries from individuals about what they must do in order that their home may qualify for an award. We are also gaining interest from architects who would like their designs nominated for awards. In the long term the HPA will help to preserve Cayman's place in the Caribbean for both locals and visitors.


Historic Sites Acquisition Programme

Government Departments/Services which benefit:
Department of Tourism, Ministry of Culture, National Archive, Education Department


The Historic Properties Acquisition Programme involves legally protecting places of particular historic significance from further deterioration or demolition through outright ownership and management. To date, the Trust owns and/or manages 9 historic properties: East End Lighthouse Park, Guardhouse Park, Watler Cemetery, Jackson's Wall, Fort George, Dr. Roy's Ironshore, the Mission House, Miss Izzy's Schoolhouse, the Old Savannah Schoolhouse.

While some of these properties have been preserved as ruins, others enhanced, and others rehabilitated, some still wait to be restored. But all the properties, regardless of their state of restoration, offer an interesting educational experience to both locals and visitors.


Historic Education Programme

Government Departments/Services which benefit:

Education Department, Department of Tourism


The Historic Education Programme seeks to encourage understanding of, and participation with, the preservation of Cayman's built heritage to people of all ages. Programme initiatives include:

  • creation and publication of 2 self-guided walking tours for George Town and West Bay

  • guided walking tours for adult groups and youth groups of George Town and West Bay

  • an historic segment on CITN's Daybreak which looks at Cayman's surviving built heritage and reminds viewers that they are living within a rich historic environment

  • the ongoing development of an historic resource library which we would eventually like to place on government's library index

  • submitting articles regarding Cayman's built heritage to local magazines including What's Hot, Horizon's, Vacation Cayman, Destination Cayman, and What To Do

  • submitting articles and press releases to the local media including: the Caymanian Compass, Cayman Net News, CITN, Radio Cayman, Z99, and Heaven 97

  • creating written publications for distribution to school children and all other interested individuals or groups

  • offering voluntary field work to young and old with restoration, maintenance, beautification, research, and education projects

  • providing guided tours to the various Trust Historic Properties to interested parties

  • participating and/or exhibiting at non-Trust events such as the Agricultural Fair, Tourism Awareness Week, district events, school events, etc.


A major accomplishment for the Historic Education Programmes in 2000 was the production of a video featuring historic sites in central George Town. This video was created through the collaborative efforts of the Trust, Government's GIS, and St. Ignatius children who researched, wrote, and starred in the video. GIS also used an edited format of the video for their weekly GIS programme.

© 2019 National Trust for the Cayman Islands

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